mardi 10 février 2015

Un oubli de taille.

Au mois d'avril, l'hôpital Royal-Victoria devra fermer ses portes pour faire place au super hôpital du site Glen. Dans le processus, il a été décidé (par le CUSM, le gouvernement ou l'agence?) que la clinique de dialyse du Royal-Victoria qui dessert un peu plus d'une centaine de patients ne serait pas reconstruite au Glen. Les conséquences de cette décision (ou cet oubli) sont plutôt inquiétantes et soulèvent de nombreuses questions sur l'avenir des soins de santé pour les patients en dialyse. J'ai rencontré les journalistes de deux réseaux de télévision anglophones afin de dénoncer cette situation aberrante. Les reportages effleurent à peine les questions de sécurité pour les patients que ce changement soulève. Je tenterai d'expliquer plus en détail pourquoi cette situation est si préoccupante. Voici les liens des reportages:

Reportage de CBC.

7 commentaires:

  1. Anonyme17.2.15

    I have been following your blog for two years now, for some reasons.

    I came to know two years ago that there won't be any dialysis ward in the new hospital, whatever its name is going to be!
    And I heard it from a nephrologist. So, they all knew and did nothing. In my opinion, it's because everyone approaches through the patients. The patients who will have to travel through the city three times in stormy or steamy days... Yes, they will have to, so no one worries about them. I think the "affected" populations now have to merge! People who will lose their jobs, people who will earn less money should help people who will have to find another dialysis centre somewhere else. It was very bad as it was. Now one centre less! Ridiculous! We should all do something about it, Together!

    1. Hi
      Thank you for the support! I find it very hard to engage patients in this battle. Most of them don't have the energy to fight. I try my best to sensitize the general population but since the french medias don't seems very interested in the story it's almost impossible to do. I've tried to reach them without success. I will not give up. Thank you again!

    2. Anonyme23.2.15

      I know.
      Silly news of some scratches after not so much of a hit and run interests them more.
      I thought a lot about it then-two years ago- and now-after reading your post- and I believe, we have to involve different cultural communities. They have been a big help, in some matters before ... I'll try to reach someone I know. Maybe with a good letter we can have his attention.
      On the other hand, do you know what they are going to do with the machines? That has a big part in this...

  2. The latest information I have is that the RVH dialysis clinic will stay open until the Lachine clinic opens. That mean until October or even November. The RVH will be a ghost hospital with only a few services like dialysis available. Other patients are already transferring to Lakeshore and St-Mary's on their on will. If everything goes well all the patients should have a place for their treatment. I don't know what will happen if not enough patient accept to be transferred. Another bid issue is that according to the kidney foundation, more people suffer from kidney failure every year. So in a few year we might need to build new dialysis clinics since the government decided to cut places with the new super hospital.

  3. Anonyme26.2.15

    It's really ridiculous. I know some people moved to live closer to the Royal Victoria. Now what? Move again? Lakeshore!!! Lachine?! Imagine!
    Ok, let's do something about it, I read your previous posts and the interview, but I need a single letter/article in both Eng and Fr with all the facts you have been mentioning. I will be able to copy paste stuff from your posts but are more familiar with what you wrote. If you have time, and you agree, do it in French at least , please.
    I don't know how you can send it to me. I don't know where I can put my email address here.

    1. If you are on facebook, you can find me easily. If not, you can contact me with this email, but i don't use it often

    2. Anonyme4.3.15

      I was quite busy past few days. Sorry for the delay.
      I'll send you an email today, please just write a letter in french, not official, just some facts, you can copy/paste parts of your blog, and send it to me. I'll tell you what I have in mind.
